Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Learn English Conversation and Human Progress

Everyone knows that keeping a culture or a tradition alive is directly related to keeping the language of that tradition or culture alive. Once the language is lost, the culture and its traditions are lost as well. Why is that?

Because almost all languages develop hand in hand with the culture, and the words, and structures and rules of what is spoken serve only to express what is necessary to the society. In this sense, these languages are about conformity. They conform to the ideals, concepts and rules, of the society, and in turn, the thinking and manner of the society steadfastly conform to the language. One might see here language as a tool of control. Because what is deemed necessary to any particular culture has always been decided by the ruling class, hence what can and can't be spoken will also be determined by the ruling class.

Why has the chief language of progress, change, technology and development been English? Because English is less about a particular society or group and more about communication. English speaking societies like all societies control people by controlling what can and cannot be said. But this is contrary to the spirit of English. English is a language that does not belong to one particular culture or tradition, nor should it be made to conform to the ideals and concepts of any one group. It is truly the only free language, and is not, nor can it ever be a language of conformity.

A language of ideas.

A language that must conform to the culture that it serves is like an abacus, in the sense that it has only one way of communicating or expressing, or conceptualizing its world. This makes change and progress almost impossible.

It's not hard to see that almost every advancement in science, and technology, and social politics has come from the minds of those who belonged or belong to the countries from which English conversation has developed.

Learning English Conversation

If you are learning to speak English, you probably think English comes from America, or England, and is a language that conforms to the ideals and concepts and beliefs of the ruling classes of these countries. If you think this, we at English revolution believe you will find learning English harder than it needs to be.

It is true, these countries have done their best to make their version of English the globally accepted version, and have tried and do try to control people by ruling what can and can't be said, and how and when it can be said, and what is correct and incorrect.

If you approach English from a position of conformity, you not only will find learning English frustrating and difficult, but you will also be speaking a version of English that is against the true spirit of English. Look at the technologies you enjoy, the comforts and conveniences you are privileged to have, the social and political advancements your country has made, the scientific cures and remedies you rely on, and think for a minute, that almost all of these were only possible because of ideas. And these ideas were only possible because of language. And that language was only capable of dreaming and conceiving of such things because it had no boundaries and rules, and did not conform to the accepted tradition or concept of any one society, and was more about communication than maintaining any pre-established order or status quo.

There are two types of English. Real English or English conversation, and Official English. Official English is the one you must learn to pass tests such as IELTS, or TOEIC. You also must learn Official English to get work permits, and visas, and good international jobs with good salaries. But Official English is very hard to learn. Real English or English conversation is much easier to learn. If you learn Real English first, you will be able to learn Official English more quickly. You will save money and time. Go to englishconversationmagic.com and purchase The Magic Four. This ebook will magically teach you Real English or English conversation.

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